Thursday, January 21, 2010

Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel

This is a classic book for beginning readers. I grew up reading frog and toad and the loving nostalgia I feel for it affirms the book's potential value for new young readers. The book is divided into 5 separate adventures, each with it's own lesson. These lessons include friendship, courage, kindness, responsibility, etc. They are told in sometimes suspenseful, always heartwarming ways and the images that accompany the text are sure to delight and entertain children.
There is an added depth to the simplicity of the dialogue between frog and toad that give the stories timeless significance. For example, in one of the stories, Frog and Toad stand together in Toad's bedroom, looking into the mirror.
"We look brave," said Frog.
"Yes, but are we?" asked Toad.
This is a line I have memorized from when I first reread this book after buying it at a thrift store a couple of years ago. Lines like this highlight the differences between things like appearing a certain way and actually being that way, an important lesson children may learn from this book.

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