Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Animorphs: Visser by K.A. Applegate

This book is part of the Animorphs series. This series tells the story of a group of teenagers who have the power to morph into any animal whose DNA they acquire. They were given this special ability to fight off an evil alien race, the Yeerks, who are trying to capture earth and enslave humanity.
The series is intended for upper elementary school to junior high-aged readers. This particular book, Visser, was created by Applegate because, in her own words: "I wanted to address one of the big questions fans regularly pose: How did it all start?" This is not the first book that Applegate wrote for the series but it chronologically contains the first events that occured in the story's timeline.
Visser tells how the evil Yeerk sub-Visser discovered earth's existence and decided to travel to earth to see whether the human population would be sufficient for enslavement by the Yeerks. A discovery of such a people would mean great honor for the Yeerk responsible.
This story is a fun read for anyone who enjoys science fiction. The mentions of Z-space and speed of light time-travel are entertaining if not entirely accurate. Being a former reader of this series I know that the characters are developed very well throughout the series, and for any follower of the series this book would be an exciting read because it exposes secrets about one of the main villains in the series, Visser 1. Although this book is not incredibly well-written or chock-full of useful information it is a fun read and would be a good recommendation for preteens who are struggling to make the transition from television or videogames to more reading.

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